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加州Elk Grove联合学区



我跟Alice第一次见面谈了一个多小时,感觉Alice很友善并且真正关心我喜欢做什么,而不是要向我推销产品或者补习课程。在以后的接触中我也发现Alice对升学方面有自己的一套流程,从最开始的选课到课外活动,志愿者和夏令营,SAT 和AP 的考试补习,Alice都有很多资源推荐给我。这让我妈妈非常的省心不用为我的大学申请感到焦虑。如果我有问题可以随时在微信上问Alice和她的团队,我们定期也会有见面去了解我目前的情况和商讨下一步的计划。


我最后ED1成功进入了我最想去的NYU Stern 商学院,里我的梦想又进了一步。我非常满意并且已经向我的朋友推荐了Alice。很有实力的升学团队每年都有很多学生进入名校。对我有很大帮助。老师都很友善并且乐于回答问题。不会给予误导性信息去向你推销产品。一个有底线又很有人情的公司。

华州Seattle Public Schools学区





我们的记忆很长一段时间都停留在1月6日晚上的激动和兴奋,在老师和我还有孩子组成的转学群,孩子突然发来消息,Barnard College 录取她了,总觉得offer离我们还好远,没想到幸福突然之间就来了。


印象中非常深刻的是文书题目出来后老师和女儿多次的头脑风暴, Barnard College 是女儿的美本申请时的梦校,在GPA等硬件成绩达标的前提下,如何提高文书的质量,使申请者的材料看上去更加生动、真实而有特色,显得尤为重要,可能因为从大一开始一直持续不断地保持交流,到申请时老师显然对女儿已经非常熟悉,在文书的方向确定上老师一眼看出了女儿身上和Barnard学校精神契合的地方,她给女儿的建议是所有的文书可以围绕着她在非洲拍摄的关于女性割礼的录像展开,那段时间女儿确实对女性的权益非常感兴趣,从而做了大量的研究,而老师也帮助孩子找到了和学校最契合的那个点,等我看到女儿文书最后的成稿,自己被这些内容有点感动到的时候,我想也许这一次她终于可以实现自己的梦想。


今天,是女儿在新学校的Orientation Day,  她终于实现了自己的梦想,开始新的生活。 非常感恩于Alice陪伴孩子一路前行,如果没有老师的专业,认真、耐心和负责,也许孩子还会再走一些弯路,也许孩子也没法如她所愿进入一直以来想要进的梦校。Alice就像一个专业的引路人,带领着孩子一步步走向她期望中的目标,把孩子托举到一个更高的平台。







​加州Palo Alto联合学区





又快到十年级选课了,我迫切希望找一个适合我和我女儿的能提供全中文服务的教育规划机构。于是我开始参加各种有关教育方面的讲座,虽然通过听讲座对美国的高中教育及大学升学制度有了一些了解,但是仍然没有找到一个满意的教育规划机构,直到听到北极星升学咨询工作室的曾敏昊博士主讲的《不得不知的美国大学录取”综合评估法”》, 让我在迷茫的求学生涯中找到了方向,帮我打开了美国教育制度之门,照亮了美国求学升学漫漫长路。这就是我心心念念想要的教育规划机构,讲座后就同曾博士预约了一对一的升学咨询。首先曾博士通过同孩子及家长的认真细致的面谈全方位的评估孩子的升学背景,针对孩子的个人特点专业建议她的学习及兴趣规划。不仅参与孩子的学校选课,对孩子平时兴趣活动及社会公益活动都有专业的建议及提供丰富的信息和平台给孩子选择参与。其次每月都同孩子及家长一起面谈,针对孩子的变化及时更改给孩子制定的计划,平时还可以通过微信平台给家长提供各种信息让家长更了解美国教育及升学制度。不论是家长还是孩子有问题时可以随时通过微信、电话联系到曾博士咨询及请求帮忙解决问题。最后也是对家长很头痛的同叛逆期孩子的沟通,曾博士可以很好的同孩子沟通,有时家长苦口婆心的同孩子说了半天,孩子不仅不接受还会同家长产生很多矛盾,可以通过曾博士同孩子的沟通很好的解决这个矛盾,还可以通过曾博士了解孩子不愿意同家长说的一些想法,让家长更了解自己的孩子,反之可以通过曾博士传达家长的一些想法,也让孩子更能理解家长。总结这几年的求学感想。非常幸运找到了北极星大学升学咨询机构认识了曾博士,感谢你们个性专业的服务,帮助我的女儿开启了她充满期望的人生。有同我一样情况的家长们别犹豫, 选择北极星大学升学咨询机构就是选择了孩子充满希望的似锦前程。


Alice is super unique as a college counselor because she focuses on bringing out your own unique passions rather than trying to morph you into a copy of others — which I think is what ultimately got me into Stanford! She has been incredibly supportive of everything I do and has helped me find so many different opportunities related to my passions.

For the essay-writing process, Alice was a HUUUGE help, not just by helping with technique and style, but also by pushing me to reflect on myself and to really focus on the concepts in my essays. I think my essays were probably one of the main reasons I got into Stanford, and it’s thanks to brainstorming with Alice for hours that I was able to think of them! I went from being completely stumped on my personal statement to having an essay that I’m still extremely proud of. 

Honestly, talking to Alice sometimes felt like a therapy session because she helped me figure out countless things about myself. She told me that the goal of writing essays was to “discover your philosophy”, and I definitely did! 

I’m so, so grateful to Alice for helping me get into my dream school, and I can’t wait to go to Stanford!


I met Alice in my sophomore year, which was back when I was still skeptical of how useful a college counselor could really be. After a few exchanges with Alice, I was much obliged to her for all her amazing advice. 


What I appreciated most about Alice was how comfortable it was to communicate with her. If I ever had any questions about anything, Alice would be able to get back to me ASAP. In addition to that, Alice provided extremely timely editing tips for my essays. That way, I could continue working on my college applications without experiencing extended delays, which I think can sometimes be detrimental to the fluidity of one's writing, as well as interrupt your train of thought. 


I also appreciate Alice's enthusiasm, including her willingness to read draft after draft of my writing, even when she thought my additional edits were no longer necessary. All in all, throughout my later years of high school, Alice became more than a college counselor to me. Alice became a friend and a confidant whom I could be certain I had the unwavering support of! 


I wholeheartedly and unequivocally recommend Polaris College Counseling to any student who finds themselves in the muddy waters of the college application process. I believe that even the most accomplished students can greatly benefit from the mentorship of an experienced, kind, intelligent, and extremely knowledgable college counselor like Alice.


Without Alice’s help, I sincerely do not think I would have been accepted to Stanford. Essays are such an important part of the application process because they are the only chance for a student to show who they are, but I was never a great narrative writer. Alice helped me transform the ideas in my head into just the right sequences of words on paper to highlight the aspects of my personality and life I most wanted to portray. From brainstorming about essay topics to navigating the revision process, Alice was somehow both extremely quick to respond and highly detailed and insightful in her suggestions and feedback. Alice also helped me put together a more cohesive application and compelling profile, find scholarship opportunities, and determine which colleges were the best fit. And beyond her concrete ability, Alice’s deeply caring personality also truly made me feel like we had developed a very close one-on-one relationship; I have complete trust in her judgement, character, and ability.

I believe what has been more important than the tangibles of the college application process is the personal development I have gone through this application season. By working with Alice on writing deeply personal essays about all parts of my life (some of which I had forgotten until this year), I’ve not only developed a greater sense of conviction about the abstract-yet-very-real idea of “my life purpose” but also feel infinitely better prepared to tackle the academic, extracurricular, and social challenges of college—and life!

乔治亚州Cobb County学区

I have worked with Alice and the Polaris counseling team for all four years of high school. It has truly made an enormous difference in both my high school experience and college applications. Alice’s patience and professionalism in this field helped me avoid many common obstacles that others may face. Her advice covered crucial topics like standardized testing, school and online course selections, and extracurricular activities like contests and clubs. In addition, under her guidance, I was presented with many opportunities that allowed me to challenge and improve myself. One thing that helped my applications the most was the numerous summer programs that Alice recommended, covering a range of topics like volunteer, research, and exploration of uncommon subject areas. I can then pick the ones that match my interests and skills the most, thus utilizing my summer to do productive activities that I enjoy.

As a result of Alice’s careful planning, I had a relatively stress-free four years of high school until my college application season came around, which was where this program really shined. Alice took a ton of time (with weekly calls) to help me finalize my college list and perfect my applications, showing care and support whenever I needed them. Her firm but gentle advice helped me power through times of frustration and procrastination. From brainstorming ideas to drafting and then polishing and editing, Alice offered help on every step of my writing process. Her unique perspectives and diction helped transform what I wrote into what I had always imagined.

Throughout this process, she also used the essay prompts to help me dig deeper into myself and become a better-rounded person, for she could always find the gem in every little story that I shared. My family and I were both super surprised and thrilled when I got into my dream school MIT. I could not have done it without Alice’s guidance, and I am grateful to have such an amazing mentor.


While I was initially uncertain about the merits of working with a college counselor, my experience with Alice has left me with no doubt about the value and impact of her work. Even at our very first meeting, Alice's experience provided immense help in crafting a holistic story in my application. 

From helping to brainstorm ideas and messages to polishing off words and sentences, Alice took my trivial ideas and transformed them, asking purposeful questions to unearth the deeper connections between my activities and interests and strengths. Her thoughts inspired me to write stories I would never have considered approaching when alone. Additionally, Alice's willingness to read draft after draft and leave unapologetic feedback pushed me to become a better writer — not just with applications, but in all my academic writing. By the time I submitted my last application, Alice taken on the role of a rapid editor, mentor, cheerleader, and thoughtful confidante, greatly reducing the pressure of what is otherwise the most stressful period in all of high school.

Ultimately, Alice's advice was crucial to writing the application that gave me an acceptance to my dream school. I would truly recommend her to anyone getting ready to face the college application process. 


I started working with Alice in 10th grade, when I was still skeptical of getting a college counselor. As a shy and quiet kid, it was hard for me to open up about my thoughts. However, Alice remained patient and slowly pushed me to develop my interests and passions. She provided a countless amount of opportunities and connections that helped expand the bubble I was stuck in before then. Her communication throughout these two years has been consistent and fast, as I could always count on her for quick help and advice. As the college application process began, I found it difficult to find ideas to write about, specifically with my personal statement. However, through my meetings with Alice, we churned out many solid ideas throughout brainstorming exercises and talks. She gave me the perfect push as I started writing my first essays, remaining heavily involved throughout the writing and editing process. Writing has never been my forte (I’m more of a STEM guy) but Alice always provided an encouraging atmosphere when we met and worked through my essays. In the end, I got into the majority of the colleges I applied to, including two of the schools I most wanted to get into—Yale and MIT. If I could re-do my college process, I would change some things but one thing I would keep for sure is Alice’s help and involvement in my application process.


Going into the college application process, I was beyond overwhelmed. How many colleges should I apply to? When should I start writing my personal statement? What is a personal statement? Additionally, upperclassmen told me about their painful experiences with strict and insensitive college advisors. It felt like every part of the process was going to be difficult to navigate.

But as soon as I met Alice, I felt at ease. She clearly outlined everything I needed to complete while sprinkling in tips and tricks accumulated from years of experience. In the first couple weeks of working together, we were able to create a schedule to fit my busy high school schedule. From refining my resume to dwindling down my mile-long college list, Alice guided me every step of the way. 

Something that I was particularly pleased about was how Alice immediately showed genuine interest in who I am as a person. The first time we met, she asked about my passions, goals, and areas of anxiety regarding the process. Something I initially didn't consider about college essays was how personal they would be. Alice created an atmosphere where I felt safe and comfortable sharing my stories, knowing that my experiences would be respected. 

When it came time to write my essays, my first drafts were beyond discouraging to me. They were long-winded and unorganized, usually double the permitted word count. Nevertheless, Alice would patiently read every idea on the page, mining out small pieces of gold that were worth refining. Most importantly, she gave me the confidence to write whatever felt right to me--after all, all great ideas have to start somewhere.

I've worked with Alice for close to two years. She is one of very few individuals I've met who will push you to be the best you can be while also making sure you aren't overworking yourself. With her guidance, I was admitted to my dream school, and could not be more thrilled. I am forever grateful to all of the kindness and faith she has shown me in just the two years we've worked together.


Alice and her team walked by my side throughout high school; they made the entire journey a lot less overwhelming and a lot more enjoyable! Whenever I had questions about what I should do or should not do, Alice was the single most helpful source of advice. She was always caring, responsive, dependable, and, above all, creative. My proudest personal projects outside of school were accomplished with her assistance and encouragement. During college essay writing, Alice, being a remarkable listener, skillfully elicited stories from me and helped me present them wonderfully well in applications. Looking back, I don’t think I’d have got into Penn without her guidance. I’m extremely grateful to have her as my invaluable mentor! 

​加州Palo Alto学区

I started working with Alice the summer before my senior year. I never planned on working with a college counselor, but as 11th grade was coming to a close, I realized how little I knew about applying to colleges and that I needed a lot of help very quickly. 

Alice came highly recommended by a family friend, and after contacting her, she immediately began helping me. I really only knew a few schools I was going to apply to, but Alice helped me find several more and helped me decide on which majors to apply to. She gave me several opportunities and connections that I never would've gotten otherwise and made me realize I actually had a lot more to add to my resume than I thought. She was always available through text or call whenever I had questions and had advice for every step of the process - from filling out information on Commonapp to checking grammar on my essays to college interviews.

One of the most impactful ways Alice helped me was with all my essays. I've always liked writing, but I had no idea where to start with any of my college essays. Alice helped me organize all the supplementals I would have to write and gave me advice for certain prompts. Some drafts I asked her to read many times over and she was always willing and gave me advice and support until we were both satisfied. "

Alice was able to break down the extremely daunting challenge of getting into college into small manageable tasks. With her help, I was able to get into Cornell University as well as several other colleges. I'm so grateful I worked with Alice and would highly recommend Polaris College Counselling to anyone applying to college!

​华州Lake Washington学区

I had the pleasure of working with Alice throughout my college search and application process for the past two years. Alice began by helping me thread together my most meaningful activities and accomplishments into a coherent story that was persuasive and true to myself. She also took the time to get to know me personally. Alice found ways to extrapolate from my stories more complicated implications and was able to elevate my writing into higher dimensions in thought and analysis. She asked deeper questions to guide me into my own realizations, which is reflected through the evolution of drafts we've worked on together. Through all the edits she has always preserved my voice while providing gentle nudges to guide me towards a more meaningful conclusion that I had been dancing around.  I'm an endless procrastinator and Alice always moved me along. She was constantly on top of all revisions and deadlines. Through the college app process, I've learned a lot about myself: who I am, what motivates me, and what I truly care about. And all those things would not have been possible without Alice's questioning, nudging, and steering.

​加州Palo Alto联合学区

Three years ago, my sister had a bumpy start in the college admissions process before working with Alice. Alice helped her clear her head and directed her to the right direction. With Alice’s expert guidance, she got into her dream school. When the time came for me to apply to college, I was assured by my sister that I was in excellent hands with Alice. 

With my early admissions schools, Alice set me off to work on college applications early in the spring of junior year. Unlike my sister, I got off to a smooth start. Before May, I already had a few essay drafts that I felt satisfied with. However, after my AP exams and a family vacation, I seemed to be running out of steam. I was more of a sprinter rather than a marathoner. I had a hard time coming back to refocus on my college applications. When I seemed to be forever stuck in the writer’s block, Alice supported me with copious encouragement, confirming me again and again that I could do it. Along with her enthusiastic cheers and professional guidance, I pulled myself together and went full steam ahead. 

Alice is someone who both has a big vision and is attentive to even the smallest details on the application. She always reminded me to retain a bird’s eye view of my application and taught me to understand how each part contributed to the whole. This kept me away from the danger of not seeing the wood for the trees. Alice is also extremely approachable and understanding, which made me willing to open and share. She was always non-judgmental towards my life but also told me honestly what materials would look good on my application based on her years of experience. 

Overall, I’m extremely happy about my application results and look forward to starting my college life. I would recommend Alice and her team to high school students without reservation!


I strongly, wholeheartedly recommend Polaris College Counseling! Dr. Zeng and her team are professional, experienced, knowledgeable, yet also so friendly, patient, and down to earth!

Dr. Zeng is able to find the unique "shine" in a student through close one-on-one communication and highlight those aspects of my personality and life on paper. During the important essay writing process, Dr. Zeng encouraged me to discover the deeply personal experiences that had shaped who "I" am through brainstorming sessions. She guided me to transform thoughts into compelling stories, never asking me to follow some templates of others.

Dr. Zeng helped me streamline the college application process and made it clear what I should do and kept me on track and on task. She was never more than a message/text away, and I could always count on her to answer questions with highly detailed and insightful advice!

I had an amazing time working with Dr. Zeng and her team! She was definitely an essential part of my college application experience!


I worked with Alice for two years, and had the fortune of going through my college search, essay, and application process with her!

Alice was a great guiding hand throughout my high school career as I was understanding more of who I am and what I wanted to do in the future. In high school, I was able to be an intern at a local coding school, a math tutor, and a leading dancer. I was able to take full advantage of each of these opportunities with Alice’s support and genuine interest in what I was doing and how I was growing as a person. 

When it came time to begin our college search and create our final list, Alice knew who I was, she knew my preferences and what I wanted for my future, which made making our list a hundred times easier. She was actually the one who put my dream school on my radar, one that I had never even considered but fallen in love with the moment I saw it.  

The college application process was made very simple with Alice, and we were able to go through our essays very efficiently. She was always available on call or text if I had any questions about writing my essays, and gave me thorough feedback on each of my drafts. Alice also made sure we were prepared with all of our applications weeks before the final deadlines, so there was no sense of urgency or lost time.  

Working with Alice has been incredible because she was not only a mentor but also a pillar of support throughout my high school career and the application process. I had a great time working with her, and would definitely recommend Polaris College Counselling! 


I initially had no idea about what studies I wanted to pursue in college. Alice started by offering me various resources to broaden my horizon and fully explore my interests. After confirming my broad interests, I focused on exploring specific subjects. Alice suggested that I participate in summer camps in California, where I developed my initial interest in computer science. The following year, Alice recommended me to a biology lab, where I got a taste of the research culture. This experience piqued my interest in biology throughout my high school years. 

Applying to the Yale Young Global Scholars Summer Camp served as a warm-up for my application to US universities. Alice and I brainstormed together to identify my unique perspective and strong points, and I successfully got an offer. The process helped me understand the standards for an excellent essay for college application, which greatly reduced my fumbling costs in the subsequent essay writing process and saved precious time during my senior year of high school.

Alice’s extensive experience and well-articulated working methods greatly aided me during the stressful college application process. The activities I had done at Alice’s suggestion made my resume stand out. Many of the clues I extracted from it gave me confidence and later became important components of my essays. Given the fierce competition in the application for computer science, Alice suggested different strategies for each colleges applied to. We went over every detail to ensure that each application is highly targeted and genuine. Despite the time difference between Switzerland and the United States, Alice gave me the most support, always answering my questions and giving me suggestions as soon as possible. Moreover, Alice always paid attention to my psychological health during our conversations, relieving my stress when I felt frustrated, or setting higher goals when I needed to be pushed. 

What I gained from Alice’s assistance was not only the offer from my dream college, but also the habit of reflecting on myself constantly, which helped me understand myself more clearly and know where I should be heading in the new chapter of life.


I started working with Alice in the second semester of Grade 9, during which time my parents’ family business took off and they became busier and busier. As much as they cared about my studies, they were often swamped by responsibilities and chores of their work. I really appreciate it that Alice made our family conferences happen regularly at her office so I could sit down with my parents to talk about my progress as well as my needs. With the guidance of Alice, I tried to keep my high school life as organized as possible, from school work to outside learning programs to summer camps and to the final college applications. Over the years, she gradually increased the difficulty of the tasks she suggested that I take on, and each time I achieved something daunting I gained more confidence in myself. Right now COVID-19 casts a cloud of uncertainty to my college life, but I feel I’m ready for any challenges. 


I have worked with Alice for almost 4 years, and, needless to say, without her help, I can never dream to receive the acceptance letter of my first-choice school. Alice and her team helped me greatly in various fields, including course selection, extracurricular activities, and most importantly, college essays. Writing a college essay was a painstaking process because it is nothing like the essay I usually write in the English classes at school. It requires the writer to express the positivity of him/herself without sounding boastful or insincere. Telling a compelling story within the word limit was a lot of times difficult, but with Alice and her team’s help, I was able to win the heart of college admissions officers. I believe other students, like me, will enjoy the benefits of having such a helpful team.


Working with Dr. Zeng on my college applications was like taking a self-discovery journey. College applications became less stressful after we put together a plan, quarter by quarter. Each meeting with Dr. Zeng dug a little deeper into my past experiences – accomplishments, struggles, and triumphs, and what I look forward to in college life. A few potential essay topics emerged as a result, as well as a list of colleges that suited my needs. Dr. Zeng provided thorough and thoughtful comments on my essays, and helped me get into the college that I aspired to go to. I would highly recommend Dr. Zeng to anyone.


I visited Wellesley in Grade 9 and knew immediately that this was my place. I want to thank you for helping me get into my dream school! Having never been a good writer myself, I was surprised to find how much I enjoyed the writing process. The discussions we had challenged me to look deep into my soul and create a purpose for my life. With a stronger sense of who I am and what I can do, I find I'm more prepared to become a woman leader, which I wrote in my essays for Wellesley. Thank you again for your guidance along the way.  


Alice was wonderfully experienced in helping me get through the college admissions process. She dramatically simplified Common App’s convoluted system of inputting activities, additional information, adding colleges, and filling out forms by providing structured instructions, examples, and templates which I could easily fill out. Her recommendations for colleges, updates for new tasks like interviews, and suggestions for essays pushed me in the right direction in getting the best chance of being accepted. Alice’s biggest strengths are her communication skills, accessibility, and flexibility; from college choices to essay corrections, she’s always there to help you get your concerns and questions addressed.


I’ve been working with Alice since Grade 9. She is an amazingly inspiring woman! She directs me to all sorts of opportunities to discovery my true colors and embrace my uniqueness. She teaches me the growth mindset and encourages me to learn in every circumstance. Looking back at the past three years, I find I have gone a long way. I just cannot say enough about her!”


Hi Alice, I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me and all the guidance you provided during my college application. Currently, I got accepted all the colleges I applied for and the majors I chose except one. I feel extraordinarily accomplished and all this would not be possible without your help. So I would just like to thank you again for all the help you gave me.


I worked with Alice for a couple of months throughout my college application process, and I was very pleased with how helpful she was with every little detail. She was super professional and was super clear on what I needed to do with my essays and such. Just overall a great experience and definitely couldn't have done it without her!

加州Mountain View–Los Altos联合学区

When it comes to finding a college counseling service for my son, I look for someone who has a broad vision, who can listen, and who can pinpoint the essential qualities of the student so that my son can thrive beyond his college life. Dr. Alice Zeng and her team at Polaris College Counseling did exactly what I hoped for and even more than I expected. 

Alice is very professional, attentive, and easy to work with. To foster my son’s long-term growth, she and her team built up an individualized plan to meet my student’s needs in a comprehensive and systematic approach. She acknowledged and respected our needs and expectations, providing feasible solutions and strategies based on intensive research to help strengthen my son’s admissions profile every step throughout the whole application process. Her timely manner of coaching made the slow and tedious journey of college application vibrant and efficient. My son learned to appreciate the challenges at all times. “This is amazing!” he said as if he just emerged from rebirth with so much joy.  


As the mother of an incoming senior, I was really stressed out about the whole process of applying for college. Alice came highly recommended by a friend. She started right away making plans with my daughter the beginning of the junior year summer break. Alice was most helpful picking out colleges best fitting my daughter’s needs. And her help on writing essays was tremendous. Alice checked in with my daughter regularly throughout the summer to make sure she was on track. By the start of the senior
year, my daughter made huge progress. They spent the next two months finalizing and polishing all the materials. When Nov. 1 came around, my daughter was ready for all her applications. Thanks to Alice’s help, my daughter was accepted to her top dream school (Cornell), as well as many others! I’m grateful for all the support and guidance my daughter got from Alice. Alice was knowledgeable and insightful. She was always kind, supportive, and straight to the point in what we needed to do. She knew how to
find what was special about each kid and present it in the best way to colleges. I would highly recommend her service!

​华州Lake Washington学区

My son went through quite a few rough patches during high school. Alice was instrumental in helping us make some of the very important decisions during those difficult times. While we were sometimes anxious and lost, she always remained calm, rational, and sympathetic at the same time. She was a skillful and sincere communicator between our son and us parents when we didn’t see eye to eye with each other. She helped us clear up misunderstandings and pointed out what was at the stake. We benefited greatly from her intellectual and personal investment far beyond what was required of her job. She is a valued mentor to our son during the college admissions process as well as a great family friend we cherish. 


Dr. Zeng counseled my daughter for her college application. From application planning to essay writing, Dr. Zeng provided invaluable guidance. I was amazed at how quickly Dr. Zeng was able to build a connection with my daughter. I can see my daughter’s trust in Dr. Zeng, allowing her to open up, go over her experiences, and discuss the future. It was such a relief to me knowing that she was in good hands. My daughter successfully got into a college she most desired. Throughout this process, I can’t help but notice my daughter’s growth - she became more confident and open. I would highly recommend Dr. Zeng to anyone seeking college planning counseling.


Our family worked with Polaris College Counseling during the past three years and were very satisfied with the support we got from them! The world of college admissions changed drastically since we were teens, and the Polaris team helped us understand the nuances of the complicated process. We like that Dr. Zeng never made decisions on behalf of our son. Instead, every time she would lay out different possibilities, explain the pros and cons carefully, and encourage our son to make decisions himself that fit his unique circumstances. Our son felt empowered, and we parents felt relieved to sit in the passenger seat watching our son steering his own path. Dr. Zeng’s team was highly organized and efficient. Our son finished most of his applications before November and was admitted by his early decision school in December. We were all excited about the result and thankful for Polaris’ guidance!

​华州Seattle Public Schools学区

If you’re looking for a college admissions counselor, Dr. Zeng and her team would absolutely be the best choice! My daughter got accepted into her top choice school with the help of Dr. Zeng and her team. We started working with Dr. Zeng since my daughter was in 10th grade. Dr. Zeng is patient, kind, intelligent, and professional. She builds a close, trustworthy connection with my daughter, willing to listen to her and inspire her. She offers lots of helpful suggestions in terms of my daughter’s extracurricular activities, community service, and much more... When my daughter was stressed out during the college application season, Dr. Zeng provided her encouragements, kept her on schedule, supported her to feel prepared and gain confidence during the college application process!


I knew college application was a lot of work, but it was a lot more than I had thought. Alice knows inside out about college applications, and she knows how to bring out student’s strengths and tailor each application to them.

In addition, the process itself is an important experience for teenagers. By bringing out her strengths, my daughter gained confidence. She learned a lot from this experience and it prepared her well for her future when she needs to apply for something.  

Last but not the least, Alice's work released enormous pressure on me as a parent. Without her help, I would have worked really hard with my daughter to prepare her applications.


I must say that we are incredibly satisfied with Alice in her handling of our daughter and her applications. She is highly efficient and organized. A superb communicator, she kept us informed about every stage of the progress while we had our daughter work independently with her. We have recommended her to all our friends who need help in college admissions. ”


We are very happy to update you that our daughter was accepted into Brown! She wouldn’t have got there without your help. We are very impressed by your professionalism and dedication. Thank you so much!"


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