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基础班:5-7年级  |  进阶班:8-12年级



春季学期 1/2-4月 | 夏季学期 6/7-8月

秋季学期 9-11月 | 冬季学期 11-1月







- 剖析讲稿内容

- 突出演讲主线

- 解构复杂观点

- 通过语言和视觉材料增强演说效果

- 声效技巧和讲台呈现等。

Profile Pic - Richard.jpg

Mr. Kemick老师:获奖诗人、记者、小说家。他的新书《I Am Herod》带领读者深入幕后、揭开全球最宏大的宗教事件之一的真相。他还出版过诗集《Caribou Run》。Mr. Kemick老师从事诗歌、纪实文学和小说三体创作,还在英加两国出版过不同的文选。获奖众多,包括两届国家优秀杂志文学奖。Mr. Kemick老师现在是卡尔加里大学庞巴迪学者、英语文学/创意写作在读博士。

导师: Mr. Donovan

戏剧导演艺术硕士 & 教育学学士



Mr. Donovan是一位导演、剧作家、影视剧本创作者,既进行艺术创作,也参与艺术实践。他指导过二十多部话剧和电影,曾获得过最佳导演奖项,也经常亲身参与舞台与银幕表演。其最新的作品是将苏格兰剧作家Anthony Nielson的获奖剧作The Wonderful World of Dissocia改编成电影,并由其亲自执导、由2020 Citadel Theatre Young公司拍摄。在话剧和电影之余,Donovan还热衷于教学。自疫情以来,他一直从事在线教学并在中学任教。




  1. 什么样的主题想法值得生发拓展?如何把想法发展成为可传达的主题?

  2. 演讲观众的角色与期待是什么?

  3. 如何创作演讲稿?在背诵讲稿时有什么技巧?

  4. 演讲时如何运用声音和肢体语言?现场演讲和在线演讲的差别有哪些?

  5. 如何吸引听众?如何在演讲中解释复杂的概念?有哪些叙述技巧可以使用?

  6. 如何使用好视觉辅助?如何适时引入视觉辅助?


“Mr. Donovan was the greatest teacher I had. Not only did he give me opportunities to improve but he also understood me as a student. We’re all very thankful of him because he made class way more fun than my previous classes. He made me grow as a student.”

“Mr. Donovan was an amazing teacher. He was very engaging, great energy, and gave us all the information we needed to succeed. Mr. Donovan was very organized each class and showed that he cared for each student. He came in everyday with the same energy as the first day.”

“Mr. Donovan is a wonderful and patient teacher. His teaching style is very enjoyable. He breaks down everything he teaches into basic terms so that students can understand it. He allows students to interact and demonstrate their understanding.”

“I love Mr. Donovan’s teaching style. I found it easier to understand and learn more efficiently. He has drastically changed my mindset in class and made my class experience more positive.”

“Mr. Donovan was a really good teacher. He kept me interested in the topics he was teaching and spoke very clear. He made many of the classes fun with many different activities. He also made the topics easy to understand with simple terms and broke them down well.” 

“Mr. Donovan’s methods of teaching has made learning in class more engaging and clear. His feedback on our work is also very helpful. He tells us what we did wrong and need to work on better for next time in a straightforward and friendly way.”

“Mr. Donovan has helped me a lot during his time here. He actually made coming to class enjoyable and understandable. He’s very patient with every student that had a little trouble with something. 

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