导师 #1:Dr. Kemick

Dr. Kemick老师从事诗歌、纪实文学和小说三体创作,作品收入北美和欧洲多部文选。获奖众多,包括两届国家优秀杂志文学奖。他的新书《I Am Herod》带领读者深入幕后、揭开全球最宏大的宗教事件之一的真相。他还出版过诗集《Caribou Run》。
导师 #2:Dr. Prusko

Dr. Prusko老师现任教于阿尔伯塔大学英语文学和电影系,开设文学、写作和传媒各类人文课程。教书育人逾二十载,屡获文学院颁发的“杰出教学奖”殊荣。Dr. Prusko教学和科研齐头并进,专研莎士比亚、近代戏剧和儿童文学,频发著作。
导师 #3: Mr. Donovan
戏剧导演艺术硕士 & 教育学学士

Mr. Donovan是一位导演、剧作家、影视剧本创作者,既进行艺术创作,也参与艺术实践。他指导过二十多部话剧和电影,曾获得过最佳导演奖项,也经常亲身参与舞台与银幕表演。其最新的作品是将苏格兰剧作家Anthony Nielson的获奖剧作The Wonderful World of Dissocia改编成电影,并由其亲自执导、由2020 Citadel Theatre Young公司拍摄。在话剧和电影之余,Donovan还热衷于教学。自疫情以来,他一直从事在线教学并在中学任教。
Achebe, Chinua. "The Sacrificial Egg."
Akutagawa, Ryunosuke. “In a Bamboo Grove.”
Atwood, Margaret. "Death by Landscape."
Borges, Jorge Luis. "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote."
Chekhov, Anton. "Gusev."
Chopin, Kate. "The Story of an Hour."
Danticat, Edwidge. "A Wall of Fire Rising."
Doerr, Anthony. “The River Nemunas.”
Hualing, Nieh. "The Several Blessings of Wang Ta-nien."
Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer "Passion."
Joyce, James. "Araby."
Kafka, Franz. "The Metamorphosis."
King, Thomas. “Borders.”
Le Guin, Ursula K. "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas."
Garcia Marquez, Gabriel. "The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World."
MacLeod, Alistair. “The Boat.”
Mistry, Rohinton. “Swimming Lessons.”
Mukherjee, Bharati. "Management of Grief."
Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Fall of the House of Usher."
Schweblin, Samanta. “Toward Happy Civilization.”
Walker, Alice. “Everyday Use.”
*Dr. Kemick*
"I enjoyed the much more in-depth and challenging discussion about the subjects. It was unbelievably helpful and really opened my eyes to what I could write. As for the instructor, I have never had an instructor or English teacher as compassionate, patient, knowledgeable, and articulate as Dr. Kemick. He has definitely played a big role in my writing journey, and has brought forth so many new ideas and thought processes to the table."
“I enjoyed the discussions and the questions that he asked us to answer and because I was doing it with my friends it made it more fun to talk and collaborate. The assignments that were assigned were very different than what I'm used to, but I really enjoyed them because they were creative writing. Our instructor Mr. Kemick is really nice and honestly makes you feel welcome to talk and he was fun to listen to. He makes us answer questions so we can teach each other.”
"I did enjoy the course; I really liked how flexible it was and how the instructor would adjust the syllabus based on our personal needs and always asked for our opinions on homework assignments and reading material. The instructor’s greatest strengths were the questions he asked us during class to lead us into further understanding and interpreting a certain story or article, since it really forced us to think deeper and process what we were reading, and it also taught us that in the future, we can ask those questions to ourselves to help digest a piece of writing. I also particularly liked how he would give us very straight-to-the-point feedback, both good and bad, to help us realize our shortcomings and help us improve for next time."
"I really enjoyed the deep and thoughtful conversations that we had on the different books. This class really was an eye opener into the world of classical literature and I liked the variety of books that we were able to read and discuss. Dr. Kemick is phenomenal at encouraging conversation and deep thinking."
"I really enjoyed the course in general. The teacher made me look forward to the classes each week, and on top of that, I learned a ton of new information. I think the course was pretty much perfect, and I do not have any suggestions for how to improve it."
"I enjoyed this course. Dr. Kemick was very straightforward in letting me know what he wanted. His methods are clear, concise, and easy to understand. In my opinion, his lack of sugarcoating is one of his strengths. His lessons were beneficial for letting me write more descriptive essays"
"Mr. Kenwick is a very experienced instructor. He is good at engaging his students to participate in class discussion and delivering the lecture in a way which won’t make his audience feel bored. My daughter enjoyed attending his class."
*Dr. Prusko*
“Dr. Prusko embraces and celebrates innovative and novel ideas, which allows her students to truly thrive in their own explorations of literature. She has been a huge inspiration in both the academic and personal facets of my life.”
“The writing methods she introduced have proven to be invaluable across a variety of subjects and situations; when my friends are struggling with their writing, I recommend the techniques I learned from Dr. Prusko. Her enthusiasm and skill are truly remarkable.”
“I absolutely loved this course. Dr. Prusko is an amazing teacher who really cares about her students and takes time to make sure they understand the material. She is always willing to help and provide constructive feedback and is great at promoting class community and discussion.”
“Dr. Prusko is an incredible teacher and clearly knowledgeable and passionate about literature. Her class was challenging, but she provided constructive and helpful feedback and really encouraged us to do our best. She encouraged class discussions which were always interesting and helpful to the topic we were discussing.”
“I found myself working hard in this class because I felt compelled by the topic, and because I felt Dr. Prusko was very invested in our advancement in the class.”
“I think that the way Dr. Prusko is prepared, honest, humorous, and knowledgeable made learning more interesting and I enjoyed it. She was easily my best teacher.”
**Ms. Klippenstein**
“I really enjoyed Ms. Klippenstein’s class and would definitely recommend other students to take it. The readings were interesting and stimulating. They included a variety of styles, which helped tremendously in getting me to understand and analyze different types of literature.”
“Fantastic course. The readings were intriguing and I read some things that I otherwise would have no opportunity to read at all. Through peer review and one-on-one conferences with the teacher, I became confident writing essays. I also felt encouraged to express my ideas in the seminar. I would recommend Ms. Klippenstein’s course to all my friends.”
“The course was very interesting and the materials thought-provoking. Ms. Klippenstein was actively engaged during class discussion. I feel my own writing definitely improved, as I was forced out of my comfort zone to write in styles I wasn’t always familiar with. We had to think specifically about the audience of our writing.”
"I really loved how the course had both lectures and workshops. It was so informative and helpful reading other people’s stories and seeing how their creative minds worked. Ms. Klippenstein also ran her lectures a lot like a discussion section and it was such an open and friendly atmosphere!”
“Ms. Klippenstein is absolutely amazing, one of my favorite teachers. She makes class interesting and pushes us to become better writers.”
"Ms. Klippenstein is an amazing teacher. The course material was super fun. Her comments on my paper were very constructive and helped me do better on the next ones."
“Ms. Klippenstein did an excellent job making the course assignments manageable and interesting—I truly felt my time doing the work was well spent.”
**Mr. Donovan**
“Mr. Donovan was the greatest teacher I had. Not only did he give me opportunities to improve but he also understood me as a student. We’re all very thankful of him because he made class way more fun than my previous classes. He made me grow as a student.”
“Mr. Donovan is a wonderful and patient teacher. His teaching style is very enjoyable. He breaks down everything he teaches into basic terms so that students can understand it. He allows students to interact and demonstrate their understanding.”
“Mr. Donovan was an amazing teacher. He was very engaging, great energy, and gave us all the information we needed to succeed. Mr. Donovan was very organized each class and showed that he cared for each student. He came in everyday with the same energy as the first day, the only difference now is that the class is comfortable with him.”
“Mr. Donovan’s methods of teaching have made learning in class more engaging and clear. His feedback on our work is also very helpful. He tells us what we did wrong and needed to work on better for next time in a straightforward and friendly way.
“I love Mr. Donovan’s teaching style. I found it easier to understand and learn more efficiently. He has drastically changed my mindset in class and made my class experience more positive.”