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基础班:5-7年级  |  进阶班:8-12年级



春季学期 1/2-4月 | 夏季学期 6/7-8月

秋季学期 9-11月 | 冬季学期 11-1月





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Mr. Kemick老师:获奖诗人、记者、小说家。他的新书《I Am Herod》带领读者深入幕后、揭开全球最宏大的宗教事件之一的真相。他还出版过诗集《Caribou Run》。Mr. Kemick老师从事诗歌、纪实文学和小说三体创作,还在英加两国出版过不同的文选。获奖众多,包括两届国家优秀杂志文学奖。Mr. Kemick老师现在是卡尔加里大学庞巴迪学者、英语文学/创意写作在读博士。

授课老师:Dr. Prusko



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Dr. Prusko老师现任教于阿尔伯塔大学英语文学和电影系,开设文学、写作和传媒各类人文课程。教书育人逾二十载,屡获文学院颁发的“杰出教学奖”殊荣。Dr. Prusko教学和科研齐头并进,专研莎士比亚、近代戏剧和儿童文学,频发著作。




  1. 分析非虚拟类作品入门:论点及举证

  2. 分析非虚拟类作品进阶

  3. 修辞策略:分析视角及谋篇布局

  4. 修辞策略:类比和对比

  5. 修辞策略:理据来源

  6. 分析虚拟类作品:体裁及创作手法

  7. 文学手法:场景

  8. 文学手法:叙事

  9. 文学手法:意象

  10. 文学手法:人物刻画




"At first I thought my writing skills were really bad because for all of 8th grade I had no idea what I was doing whenever we had a writing assignment, but I think this course helped me practice my writing and made me feel a bit better about writing. I've always been a slow reader, but having reading assignments every week helped me learn how to read faster and helped prepare for high school. Also, if I hadn't taken this course, my writing would've been really rusty going into 9th grade (since I wouldn't have done any English-related things otherwise during the summer), so it helped me transition into the new school year. Dr. Prusko was also really nice and patient."


“Dr. Prusko embraces and celebrates innovative and novel ideas, which allows her students to truly thrive in their own explorations of literature. She has been a huge inspiration in both the academic and personal facets of my life.”

"I liked the open-ended discussions about the different topics of technology intersecting with humanities. The instructor listened to all I had to say, and tried to get me to elaborate on what I thought, and try to challenge the views (to help me think through them), which I really enjoyed."

“The writing methods she introduced have proven to be invaluable across a variety of subjects and situations; when my friends are struggling with their writing, I recommend the techniques I learned from Dr. Prusko. Her enthusiasm and skill are truly remarkable.”

“I absolutely loved this course. Dr. Prusko is an amazing teacher who really cares about her students and takes time to make sure they understand the material. She is always willing to help and provide constructive feedback and is great at promoting class community and discussion.”

“Dr. Prusko is an incredible teacher and clearly knowledgeable and passionate about literature. Her class was challenging, but she provided constructive and helpful feedback and really encouraged us to do our best. She encouraged class discussions which were always interesting and helpful to the topic we were discussing.”

“I found myself working hard in this class because I felt compelled by the topic, and because I felt Dr. Prusko was very invested in our advancement in the class.”

“I think that the way Dr. Prusko is prepared, honest, humorous, and knowledgeable made learning more interesting and I enjoyed it. She was easily my best teacher.”

"I liked Dr. Prusko teaching method because she would use lots of figurative language which helped with my learning."

"I noticed that my daughters writing skills improved significantly and she seemed more interested in the subject too."

"Great class. My child said it was very interesting, and thought-provoking."

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